About Us
The Saratoga Peace Pod was formed in 2020, in response to the global pandemic. We are a group of knitters, crocheters, quilters and supporters who create and deliver warm handmade items to families who are struggling financially.
Peace Pods are groups of craftspeople who actively support the work and mission of Knitting4Peace.
Recipients of our creations are women, men, teens, children, infants, and families. Items created include hats, scarves, mittens, booties, baby blankets, baby bibs, afghans, quilted sleeping mats, Peace Pal dolls, shawls, and washcloths.
The Saratoga Peace Pod is always seeking skilled, creative crafters with big hearts. We are currently meeting virtually once a month. We are looking forward to gathering in person for coffee and crafting, helping each other with needlework challenges, and blissful socializing.
Click HERE for a video on how the Saratoga Peace Pod got started.